
Inside FGameplayTagQuery

Inside FGameplayTagQuery

What is FGameplayTagQuery

Quoted from source code comments:

An FGameplayTagQuery is a logical query that can be run against an FGameplayTagContainer. A query that succeeds is said to “match”. Queries are logical expressions that can test the intersection properties of another tag container (all, any, or none), or the matching state of a set of sub-expressions (all, any, or none). This allows queries to be arbitrarily recursive and very expressive. For instance, if you wanted to test if a given tag container contained tags ((A && B) || (C)) && (!D), you would construct your query in the form ALL( ANY( ALL(A,B), ALL(C) ), NONE(D) )

Why use FGameplayTagQuery

Because when using FGameplayTagQuery for logical matching, the number of tags and matching logic can be arbitrary, and it supports nesting on logic, unlike:

  • FGameplayTag limits the use of only 1 tag (although in addition to match itself, it can also be used to match parent tags)
  • FGameplayTagContainer has only limited matching logic (which is one of AND, OR, NOT, depends on how the code is used)
  • Before FGameplayTagRequirements was added to the FGameplayTagRequirements::TagQuery member, it had only two FGameplayTagContainer members, corresponding to the “AND” and “NOT” matching logic, which is still limited (after the time of TagQuery member added, you can use FGameplayTagRequirements ::ConvertTagFieldsToTagQuery to obtain a Query object which is the logical combination of two tag containers)

Implementation of FGameplayTagQuery

data structure

  • TokenStreamVersion version number, retains data to facilitate subsequent possible implementation changes, corresponding to the enumeration type EGameplayTagQueryStreamVersion

  • TagDictionary The tag array after deduplication, which comes from the tags that need to be used in logical expressions

  • QueryTokenStream is a set of metadata that stores the version number (redundant storage), whether there is a logical expression expression, the logical expression type, the number of tags used, and the index in TagDictionary. It is the key to achieving memory-efficient and fast evaluation.

  • UserDescription string, customized description information

  • AutoDescription string, automatically generated description information

Generation method

Use C++ to construct query objects

Use the Builder Pattern API to construct logical expressions:

	FGameplayTagQuery TagQuery;
	const FGameplayTagContainer TagContainerA{};
	const FGameplayTagContainer TagContainerB{};
	const FGameplayTag TagC{};

				.AddExpr(FGameplayTagQueryExpression().AnyTagsMatch().AddTag(TagC))), FString{TEXTVIEW("Test Logic")});

	// Randomly written logic, it is not recommended to try to understand it
	// I use indentation levels to represent nesting levels, and one line in each level defines a logical expression

Brief process of FGameplayTagQuery::Build:

  1. Write the version number and user description information, and reset those key data
  2. Write the “version number” and “whether it contains a logical expression” information to elements 0 and 1 of QueryTokenStream
  3. Parse the logical expression and write the enumeration of the expression type in QueryTokenStream, which is of type EGameplayTagQueryExprType. For “non-nested expression”, write the array number of tags used by it, then add each tag to TagDictionary which is deduplicated, and write the index; for “nested expression”, parsing it recursively

To put it simply, the Build process uses depth-first traversal to flatten the logical expressions of the tree structure into an array.

Use the editor to construct the query object

The underlying logic is consistent with the C++ structure, except that because FGameplayTagQueryExpression is not USTRUCT, and InstancedStruct has not yet been born, it is “mirrored” with UObject (personal guess), so there are UEditableGameplayTagQueryExpression and related types to support expression nesting during editing and providing better debugging information, you can refer to FGameplayTagQuery::BuildFromEditableQuery

FGameplayTagQuery::Matches, test the logical expressions

The auxiliary type FQueryEvaluator is used to hold the immutable reference of TagQuery, record the current metadata index and detect whether there are read errors. According to the read expression type, the corresponding logical definition is executed. Every time the token array is read, it will detect whether there is a read error. You can refer to FQueryEvaluator::EvalExpr


I feel that the implementation of FGameplayTagQuery is quite clever and provides powerful matching logic, which is suitable for any needs that require Tag matching functionality. However, the editor logic contains code duplication, is not elegant enough, and the detection of reading errors is not rigorous, so the follow-up, frequent testing is not that necessary. But overall, flaws do not cover up strengths.

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